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We ALSO!! offer Trainings in Pelvic-Heart Integration

Pelvic-Heart Integration is a holistic, comprehensive method for transformation which emphasizes the power of sexual energy and the ways in which our culture frequently distorts the natural flow of orgasmic energy. As a result, it provides a valuable framework for sexual healing – both in the sense of unraveling sexual dysfunction and in the sense of restoring trust and harmony between men and women or between homosexual partners. Pelvic-Heart Integration (PHI) focuses on various dimensions of sexuality and love. It aims at connecting and uniting the masculine and feminine aspects within a person. PHI uses processes and maps which are culturally familiar and respected in the modern Western world. PHI is completely appropriate to address the central questions of how to be sexually alive and how to connect heart and genitals in a mature way.


ICPIT, Destelbergenstraat 49-51, B-9040 Ghent

+32 9 228 49 11
