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Please find below a short presentation of some ICPIT Founder Members and Current Trainers of Postural Integration(PI) and Energetic (EI).

Elisabeth Renner

Trainer & Supervisor for Postural, Energetic & Pelvic-Heart Integration.

Austria Klinische Psychologin - Arbeit im psychosozialen Bereich mit Kindern, Erwachsenen und Familien. Psychotherapeutin (Autogenes Training / Autogene Psychotherapie (ÖGATAP), Body Psychotherapy), Pelvic-Heart Integration Integration® (ICPIT),

Massimo Soldati

Trainer & Supervisor for Postural Integration

Milano Psychologist, psychotherapist. President of the AIPT- Association of Transpersonal oriented Postural Integration. Joins in his work transpersonal psychology and bodywork. Teacher of Body Reading Techniques at the post University school Scuola Superiore di Formazione di Psicoterapia, Cremona, Italy. Wrote the book Corpo e Cambiamento (Body and Change), Tecniche Nuove Editrice, 2000, Milano, Italy. Associazione di Integrazione Posturale Transpersonale, 
Via Scarlatti 20, 20124 

Niall O'Siochain

Trainer for Postural & Energetic Integration

Studied and experienced a wide range of alternative, humanistic and bodymind centered methods since 1980. Numerous fields of influence play a role in his work. The central themes of Niall's approach are furthering self-healing, spiritual growth and manifestation of the true self. Personal topics include 'the ancestral presence' and 'the essence of optimal nutrition'. He comes from an earlier background of executive management and later private practice.

Bernhard Schlage

Trainer & Supervisor for Postural Integration.

Germany Bernhard Schlage has given workshops since 1980 in most European countries and has run a private body psychotherapy practice since 1984. He has given lectures at international congresses f.i. in San Francisco, Paris and Sydney. In 1986 he co-founded an adult-education-centre for health care in northern Germany and later was in charge of a mental health centre until 2008. He has been a trainer for Postural Integration since 1999 and ECP-holder since 2001. Specialised in treating psychosomatic disorders, he is now focusing his work on training the next generation of health care practitioners in body psychotherapy. Bernhard is author of more than 100 articles about body psychotherapy and has written four books.

Rosa Maria Sevilla Padrón

Trainer & Supervisor for Postural & Energetic Integration

is a Psychologist (ITESO), Jungian Therapist, Sexual Grounding Trainer (FSGT), Practitioner of Couples & Family Therapy (IMEP) and Practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Rosa Maria is Trainer and Supervisor in both Postural Integration and Energetic Integration and has been practicing Bodymind Integration since 1981. As a Psychoaroma Therapist also practicing and teaching ‘Aroma Therapy and Characterology’.

 She resides and has a private practice in Guadalajara, Col. Jardines Providencia, JAL Mexico;
sevilla.rosamaria@gmail.com integracionpostural@gmail.com www.integracionpostural.com
Ph 52 (1) 3310795927

Raffaele Cascone

Trainer for Postural Integration

PhD, Clinical Psychologist. Trainer for Postural Integration. Scientific Research Liaison

Silke Ziehl

Trainer and Supervisor for Postural & Energetic Integration.

Great-Britain/Germany Founder and director of the Entelia Institute for Creative Bodywork in London and Munich. Member of the Open Centre in London since 1982. Experienced bodyworker and body psychotherapist (Member of EABP), Acupuncturist, Trainer for Pulsing, Hawaiian Huna bodyworker. Has been running bodywork groups and professional trainings in England, Germany and Greece since 1982. She brings a light touch to deep work, assisting primary processes through attention and non-interference. Email: silke.ziehl@icpit.org Phone: +49 89 44718483

Beverley Wilkinson

Trainer & Supervisor for Postural Integration

South Africa She lived in Belgium for 13 years. While in Europe she qualified as a Postural Integration practitioner in 1991. Later she qualified as a PI Psychotherapist trainer. For the past twenty years she has run a successful body-mind practice in Johannesburg and has been training students in Postural Integration since 1999.