Advanced Summer Master Class for Bodymind Integration and Postural Integration
“Therapeutic Touch, Myofascial Integration, Core Consciousness, Growth & Energy within a Bodymind Integration PsychoCorporal oriented Frame”
An 10-day Training
for Bodyworkers and Body Psychotherapists who wish to integrate Advanced Deep Bodywork in their practice
Delivered Certificate: Advanced Somatics Training
When? June 9-18 2025 (10 days)
Where? Lyon-France
Come and enjoy yourself at this World Cultural Heritage Center between the two rivers of the Rhone-Alpes-Region, learning and experiencing advanced bodywork techniques with a group of colleagues from our World Wide School for advanced skills in Postural Integration, Bodymind Integration, Deep Bodywork, Breathwork, Therapeutic Touch and Emotional Release work, focussing particlarly on the Four Diaphragms of Body Balance.
About the Training
We will introduce you to methodological work with the inner core, different release work techniques and pathways to enjoyment of deep inner power. We will also introduce crucial discoveries from the last thirty years in natural and human sciences and implement many of these discoveries throughout the course of the workshop. New ideas and advanced directions for your practice will be suggested and our Advanced Manual will be provided to follow the classwork. The combination of practical work, deep experiential interactions, theoretical understanding of techniques and the enlargement of our system of scientific reference will improve your practice and allow for more robust experiences for your clients.
Image: Fascia, our largest emotional organ: Dr Robert Schleip.
Teaching will be in English (translations possible into Spanish and German). It is a wonderful opportunity to meet practitioners-colleagues from all over the world.
Goals of the Advanced Somatic Centering:
Touching the core – We will work with energy (known as “the energetic cycle”), psychotherapeutic touch techniques for interacting with the client at the level of intimacy and embodied empathy, the principles of “release and integration” and will gradually focus on the diaphragms of body balance which are the fontanelles along the cranium, the floor and ceiling of the mouth, the thoracic inlet with first rib, the breathing diaphragm and the pelvis. When these diaphragms are released, they begin to shift spontaneously, rhythmically and freely interact with one another creating warmth and wellbeing.
Extending and deepening your knowledge and skills.
To deepen your knowledge base, many state of the art topics will be incorporated including overview and application of somatic methods, body language in action, advanced strategies for addressing developmental/ maturational needs, and unification/integration of polarities. Your skill levels will be further extended with the use of verbal and non-verbal language and meaning in body psychotherapy and the development of consciousness. We will introduce advanced sessions for working with the core.
Empowering the Practitioner
We will work with the physical aspects and the energy/consciousness of the pelvis expressed through the pelvic floor and the sexual organs and learn to open layers of tissue and feelings while developing healthy boundaries. This helps the client to clear away old frustrations as well as pain and create a new possibility to connect within self and others at a deep intimate level of passion, love and joy. The last stages of the Energetic cycle (excited breath, orgastic breath, ecstatic breath, etc.) that relate to the tissue work around the deep core will also be explored. This material will be tied in with theories coming from Wilhelm Reich and the Post-Reichian Methods like Gestalt, Bioenergetics, Bodynamics, Biodynamic Massage, etc.
Working with Stubborn Defenses
In order to touch the armored core, we need to recognize how the body organizes its defences and how it forms character patterns of restricted breath, muscular contraction and habitual movement, as well as incomplete emotion and thought. To handle the shocks, traumas and all the continuing demands of our lives, we use characteristic attitudes and habits to try to hold ourselves together, hold on to what we can, hold ourselves up, hold ourselves deep inside or hold ourselves back. By working with our breath and touching the deepest layers of our tissue, advanced practitioners help their clients learn where and how their persistent character armor defends the core and how to let it go. In this advanced training we will cover topics such as relationships are regulators, the social engagement system, the inhibition of action syndrome, the PTSD paradigm, the inflammation paradigm, predisease pathways, etc.
Touching the Core
In the deep work with the core the advanced practitioner follows the basic segments or diaphragms of body balance which include the fontanelles, the floor and ceiling of the mouth, the thoracic inlet and first rib, the breathing diaphragm, the pelvis and pelvic floor. Some of the deepest work with the core includes release of the core tissues of the pelvis, which holds many of our strongest feelings and attitudes. A thorough understanding of working with developmental and maturational needs is also included. Working with the structures of the core the advanced student learns to help the client open layers of tissue and feelings in a safe and respectful way beyond the basic paradigm sessions of the (Psychotherapeutic) Postural Integration® Model (we will explain this for those new to this kind of approach). Advanced techniques and strategies will be taught to help the client clear away old frustrations and pain, to connect with self and others and ultimately connect at a deep and intimate level of love, joy and fulfilment.
Finding Harmony and Integration
Using the advanced somatic methods, you will learn new ways as a bodypsychotherapist or bodymind integrator of helping your clients release their deepest armoring. Yet with the release of these very old habits and attitudes, they also need help finding a new centre and integrating this newfound change into their lives. By coordinating tissue, breath and feeling with special somatic strategies, you as a practitioner help clients more fully integrate major dimensions of the self, such as genetic inheritance, left and right hemisphere, sensorimotor functions and masculine-feminine sides. By interacting skillfully with the core, advanced practitioners learn powerful ways to help the top of the body to cooperate with the bottom, the right and left sides to function as a team, and the front and back to move harmoniously with each other. With the discovery of a new inner center, energy can then radiate outwardly and inwardly in flowing waves through all the body diaphragms in a socially engaged and spiritually rich manner.
Implementing into Clinical Practice and Information Exchange
Different possibilities and new directions to enhance your private practice will be suggested. While all this work and new strategies are very powerful, we also realize the importance of spending time to discuss case studies coming from group members as well as the trainers.
To enrich and deepen this advanced training experience, sharing circles will be utilised from time to time.
Practical details:
Entry Criteria: Practitioners in Body Psychotherapy & Bodymind Integration Methods, Practitioners of Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration®, Pelvic-Heart Integration®, Core-Energetics®, Bio-Energetic Analysis and related disciplines with a minimum of one year of experience, interested in “Deep PsychoCorporal Touch” and Myofascial Integration.
Where: Pratique, 3. Arrondissement, 69003 Lyon, France (exact address will be provided).
Cost: €980,00 Euros. Price does not include room and board.
Advanced payment of 10% (€98,00) required for registration.
Transfer payment stating “Advanced Somatic Centering Training” to:
Bankaccount: Robert Schlage
IBAN: DE44 1001 0010 0844 0751 36
Room and board: Airbnb or guesthouse available in the adjacent neighborhood.
Accessibility: Train station nearby with park house.
When: June 9-18 2025 (10 days). Book early if you fly!!
Certification: After successful completion of this training and a written 10-page long thesis, you will be granted the certificate of completion of the Advanced Somatic Centering Training, issued by ICPIT.
Contact – registration – further information
Bernhard Schlage (D), Rosa Maria Sevilla Padrón (Mex) & Guest teacher(s)
Bernhard Schlage has given workshops since 1980 in most European countries and has run a private body psychotherapy practice since 1984. He has given lectures at international congresses f.i. in San Francisco, Paris and Sydney. In 1986 he co-founded an adult-education-centre for health care in northern Germany and later was in charge of a mental health centre until 2008. He has been a trainer for Postural Integration since 1999 and ECP-holder since 2001. Specialised in treating psychosomatic disorders, he is now focusing his work on training the next generation of health care practitioners in body psychotherapy. Bernhard is author of more than 100 articles about body psychotherapy and has written four books.
Contact Bernhard:
Phone: +49. 511 161 42 11
Rosa Maria Sevilla Padrón: . is a Psychologist (ITESO), Jungian Therapist, Sexual Grounding Trainer (FSGT), Practitioner of Couples & Family Therapy (IMEP) and Practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Rosa Maria is trainer and supervisor in both Postural Integration and Energetic Integration and has been practicing Bodymind Integration since 1981. As a Psychoaroma Therapist also practicing and teaching ‘Aroma Therapy and Characterology’. She resides and has a private practice in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Asunción # 1649 Col. Jardines Providencia, C.P. 44630 Guadalajara, JAL.
Contact: Rosa Maria: or: . Phone: +52 (1) 33 1079 5927